Sunday, July 27, 2008

Temple Square...Perfect Sunday Morning...ok ok not so perfect!

So we thought it would be fun to walk around Temple Square Sunday morning cause we knew we wouldn't be going to church. So the kids woke up in good moods but started to get cranky fast. Well as they got cranky the temperature got hotter and hotter and that was just loading up the cars to go. We all looked at each other and said I guess us adults better say a pray to help us not lose our cool. When we arrived at the Temple we got so lost in Joseph Smith Building that it was starting to drive us nuts. We finally made it out of the building and the spirit finally found us. Threw the sweat, tired, hungry, cranky kids we still manage to have a good time.

Sorry looks like I'm on something but this is us inside the Conference Center. That place still amazes me how big it is.

Us in front of the Temple. Cole we wished you were there with us!


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