Monday, July 9, 2007

Eaton Family Reunion at Sawtell

July 5-8, 2007

The Eaton Family reunion was up in Island

Park @Sawtell resort. It was so much fun,

the weather was perfect and much better

the kids were good. They had an indoor

swimming pool so Bailee, Kaidance, and Hagin

swam the whole time. We got all the little girls matching 4th of July swimming suits, it was so cute to have them matching.

Bailee eating her cookies

Our little happy family

Bai and dad having fun

Isaac, Kynna, and Kayson sorry the pix is fuzzy

Hagin what a goof

Bai and Kc driving WATCH OUT!!!!

Jess with the girls looks like fun! lol

Bailee and Granpa Eaton always having fun!

Who's that cubby wubby baby? Cole was so hot we

had to take his clothes off to cool him down.

Bailee pointing at something no idea what though

Happy 4th of July!!!

July 4, 2007
We went to the Park with some of our friends
for the 4th and we had so much fun. Bailee
and Cole were so good the whole day. Bailee is
playing with the glow in the dark stick they handed
out before it got dark. We had a pool party that
day at our house that is why we all look tired and
our hair is crazy.

Bailee getting her hair cut short

Bailee is getting her hair cut short,
the whole time her eyes were a open
as can be like what in the heck is going on.
She did so good.

Bailee is looking at him like what did you do to
my hair. Her hair looks so cute short.

Cole being Cute

Cole and dad chilling on the coach. They are watching
nascar. Richard is trying to train him while he is

Cole thinking he's a big boy

Cole is on the ground happy as can be
(because he's passing gas)

Dad and his buddy sleeping in on a sat morning.
Cole is smiling in his sleep with him arm straight out,
it was so funny.

Bailee's Dance Recital

June 22, 2007
Bailee was so cute at her dance
recital. I didn't think she would do her
dance cause both of her grandparents
were there. But she did everything
that she was suppost to do. Even with a

Her dance teacher's handed out flowers to the
girls after the dance was over.

After the dance recital they
had a bbq and the girls played on
the tramp and swingset with
there dance stuff still on.

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